Welcome fellow Art Lovers 'n Makers!
Join me as we chat about ART. A little history, some opinion and juicy bits 'n tips of how to use art to lift your spirits and add personality to your living space .
Stories, inspirations and tales of the life of an artist. A sometimes intimate perspective on what it's like to be an artist, what inspires me and what I am up to next. A way to get a feel for who the creator is behind all of the art you'll find here at InFused Artwork.

A Beautiful Life - Artist Blog

Lemony Snippets - A wee inspiring story with a beautiful ending

Lemony Snippets - A wee inspiring story with a ...

Every set back in life is just preparing you for a big win. Keep going. Questions are the seeds that give birth to the answers.

Lemony Snippets - A wee inspiring story with a ...

Every set back in life is just preparing you for a big win. Keep going. Questions are the seeds that give birth to the answers.

Artist Blog, Why more than one art form is becoming mainstream

Gone are the days of sticking to One Medium

I'd die if I had to do the same thing everyday. Variety is the spice of life! Who says you can't become proficient and skilled at more than one craft?...

Gone are the days of sticking to One Medium

I'd die if I had to do the same thing everyday. Variety is the spice of life! Who says you can't become proficient and skilled at more than one craft?...

picture of artist at easel painting and drinking wine

Artists Life- Fantasy vs Reality

The impact of being distracted from ones worries in that moment when you take in a work of art is often undervalued. An artist knows this is key to lifting...

Artists Life- Fantasy vs Reality

The impact of being distracted from ones worries in that moment when you take in a work of art is often undervalued. An artist knows this is key to lifting...