Printed Products 

Most of our printed products come from sources in the USA and a few products ship from China. All use different shipping companies due to the variety of products offered.
You may receive shipments from multiple locations depending on what you have ordered. (Ie. socks and totebags ship from the USA and vegan leather bags come from China). Normal shipping time is 5 to 10 business days depending on your location. A tracking email is sent to you as soon as product is on it way. Everything is printed as it's ordered -nothing is sitting on shelf getting old 'n musty, it's fresh off the press. Production time is 3 to 5 business days so total time from order to your door is average  7 to 14 days. If you live in the US it may arrive sooner. 

Original Art Work

Original art work is shipped from Calgary, Alberta, Canada via Canada Post or courier depending on your location. All original art is shipped insured. 

We package all original artwork ourselves to ensure it is as protected as possible. No third-party packing companies are used. 
Because all original art is shipped insured, if it arrives damaged we can initiate remaking the piece for you or issue a refund. 

If your parcel arrives damaged, do not open it until you take some pictures of the unopened damaged package. The shipping carrier usually wants proof of damaged packaging to process claims. Take pictures (capturing their barcode and/or tracking info) and email us to start the claim process.

Shipping time will vary depending on your location. Within Canada 2 to 5 business days. To USA aprx 7 to 10 days.

With original art, you are asked to email us to confirm availability since the pieces are often 'one of's'. At that time, if you want faster options we can provide a quote for your approval.  
Pick up for original artwork is available in the Calgary area.


Printed Products
Shipping cost are calculated at the checkout before you have to enter payment infomation. If your purchase qualifies for free freight or was part of a free freight promotion then we pay. Otherwise you'll see what the shipping cost is when you are in your cart. (Tip: The more of the same item you purchase the better the freight works out. The 1st item is always higher and then each additional item is at a lower rate. It can be different imprints ie. shop with a friend or buy 2 bags and it's a better deal on the shipping.)

We do our best to ensure the best rates, select reliable shippers, and provide great delivery times, based on where you are located.

Orders over $1000.00 qualify for free shipping

Original Artwork  

Orders under $1000 value will have the shipping shown in cart when you check out. Buyer pays what is shown at checkout. We pick up the difference. It's shipping from Canada and they literally have different rates for everywhere depending on your postal code. We've calculated best rates and errored in your favor. 

Customs and Duty

Original Artwork
Depending on your location, you may have to pay customs & duty. Original Art Work is made in and shipped from Calgary, AB Canada. If you live in Canada there are no customs on original artwork.
If you live in the USA it should be duty free because of NAFTA. 

Printed Product
Most of the printed products are made in and shipped from the USA making them fall under our free trade act, they are usually duty free. (except for Vegan leather bags, which ship from China), so there may be some duty charges upon receipt of your package. I have had the vegan bags ship from China to Canada and  have not been charged anything. Right to my door nice and pretty. 

You are responsible for all customs and duties, as it is a governmental regulated tax which is beyond our control. (Tip #3 My socks and vegan bags arrived into Canada duty free right to my door)

In all cases, where customs and duties apply, you are responsible for the fees. They are paid to the government authority that imposed them. We do not collect or add any customs or duties to our prices.  

Is based on your address and charged according to the state/province laws order is shipped to. It will be calculated and shown at the checkout part of your order.

Do you have a question that isn't answered here? Send us an email: we'll be happy to answer you as soon as possible. Thanks! info@infusedartwork.com